вторник, 14 февраля 2012 г.

DIY love-struck place cards

DIY love-struck place cards

I’ve got a quick little DIY for you today in the form of some Valentines name cards! I thought they could be fun if you were having a Valentines Day themed dinner party, a kids party, or just wanted something cute to leave on our loved one’s pillow. I hope you like them!

You’ll need:

Medium weight cardboard




Modeling clay (oven bake)

Step 1: Firstly, you’ll need to make your arrows.. using this template (if you like) cut some arrows out of your cardboard. Depending on the thickness of your cardboard, you may need to glue two arrows together to make it stronger.

Step 2: Paint/decorate your arrows. I wrote names on mine because they’ll be placed on a table, but you could write whatever you like!

Step 3: Put your arrows aside to dry. Take a ball of modeling clay and shape it into a heart, keeping the base of it flat on the table. I made mine a bit beveled, but you could also push shapes into it, etch a pattern into it.. anything really!

Step 4: Once you’ve finished, and just before baking, push the tip of one of your arrows into the clay so it’s sticking out at the angle you’d like it. Take the arrow out and bake your clay according to the instructions.

Step 5: Wait for the clay to cool, push your arrow into the groove you made in the heart, and you’re done! Bravo!

Note: You may notice that I’ve actually painted my gold heart. I did this after baking the clay (I didn’t like the colour of the clay much), but I quickly found out that the paint scratches off quite easily. Therefore, I would recommend choosing the right clay colour from the start.. instead of trying to paint it later :)

Original article and pictures take fellowfellow.com site

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