понедельник, 5 ноября 2012 г.

DIY string-tie envelopes

DIY string-tie envelopes

Hello! Sorry about the little break. My son has been off on his half-term holidays so I had a blog-free week!

Now I am back, I just want to give a big shout out (and a big thank you) to my new sponsors, pi’ikea street and paper glitter….do check their sites out!

I also wanted to say a massive thanks to all the people who have left comments lately (and to those who have sent me lovely emails). It’s been especially great to hear from people who have been making the projects…and ace seeing all your pictures…hurray!

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

I do confess that I have always had a ‘thing’ about string-tie envelopes. They seem impossible to get hold of though so I thought it would be fun to make my own. They are very easy to do!

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

These dinky little envelopes are great for all-sorts of things (storing paper ephemera, housing invitations/gift cards, storing seeds). I have also been making some for my sons to play with (as they are obsessed with letters/post offices at the moment). I reckon they would also make a cute gift.

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

By the way, now my kids are getting better at using scissors they have been really enjoying making their own envelopes using the template from my previous post.

String-tie envelopes
You will find a full tutorial and templates below! Happy Monday all

String-tie envelopes
You will need:




Glue stick


Tiny brads/split pins (the heads of the brads I used were 3mm in diameter)

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1. Print out the template onto paper. Cut score and fold.

Template one (tiny envelope, print out on A5 paper)

Template two (C7 envelope, print on A4 paper)

2. Cut out some small, card disks. Paper will work just as well but card will be a bit more hard-wearing.

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

3. Using a needle, pierce two holes in the envelope and a hole in each disk (marked on template).

4. Attach card disks to envelope using brads. (If you don’t have any brads then you can sew them on. See this tutorial at simplymodernmom.com).

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

5. Fold the three edges of the envelope up and glue.

6. Attach a piece of string to the top disk and tie off. Wrap round disks to fasten.

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

If you are not keen on the rainbow brights then I think pastel/neon would be a great combination. For example, make a pale pink envelope with neon pink disk and string. (Note to self: must buy neon card/paper!)

Job done!

String-tie envelopes
String-tie envelopes

Original article and pictures take www.minieco.co.uk site

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