среда, 2 апреля 2014 г.

Gardening crafts..

Gardening crafts..
  • I found a funny idea for a garden decoration, I'm not sure if I want something like this in my garden though, lol :

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    What do you think?

  • I feel that cones can be pretty decorative. My dog loves them more than his toys so I'm sure that he would be very happy if I had a basket like this full of cones. In my opinion it looks really nice:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Here is an idea for everyone's garden
    stone chair.jpg
    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • I am sure that a cucumber will grow as well. My cucumbers are container grown. It would be lovely to have cumbers handing from that bird cage. I don't think I can afford to buy one just for this.. lol
    @ Claudine .. I love the chrysanthemum trail.. looks really pretty and wild. I loove that basket of pine cones too
    @ Pat this is truly green furniture.. I love that seat.. with all it greenery.

  • That is really way cool. I might have to try this. I would have never thought you could make a tire look so good!

  • Ha, I'm looking for wires too. Spring has to come one day...(even if there are no signs of it) so I plan some changes in my garden - and this heart shaped ivy plant is something I really want to have

    This is cute:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Claudine those acorns look so pretty.. they could double up as your Christmas tree ornaments. We don't have acorns here. I wish we had LOL .. I would make a lovely wreath with ivy and acorns.

  • If you don't have acorns, I think you can as well decorate cones with glitter, I'm sure it will look nice too
    Here are cute mushrooms:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Claudine I couldn't view that picture, the link doesn't seem to work. Hope you can fix that.
    Here is some garden art with wine bottles

  • Now that is some new and interesting idea. I remember playing with a mirror and leaving it hanging on one of my trees when I was a kid. I woke up to the noise of many sparrows at my window where the tree was and found a huge number of sparrows pecking at the mirror. But they were so noisy that we had to take it away.
    Here is an interesting way to plant your succulents

  • I like to dry rose petals in the sun and then use wax paper to melt them into a candle. They make great gifts that are unique. I also hate trowing away roses because they are so pretty.

  • Here is a beautiful succulent "painting", I really, really like it, I believe it will make every garden/room look prettier, it's a wonderful idea:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • I love making candles and I have to nod in agreement with you that rose petals make great decoration on scented candles. I also make cards with petals and leaves of any flower.

    @ Claudine, that is indeed a beautiful collection of succulents. I think they are the coolest plants, non fussy and thrive on next to neglect. It is fun to play around with them as they have no great root system.

  • I found a really nice idea on how to decorate a pathway and how to make it more convenient to walk on. It's very pretty:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    I love how natural these stumps look, for sure they're more interesting than regular stones. What do you think?

  • This garden path looks gorgeous. What a splendid idea.. I wish I had a garden where I can use this idea.. Naturally beautiful.
    I think those candles have a bit too many flowers in there .. making them seem like forests.

  • I'm glad you like it. Personally, I love simple and natural ideas like this. Also, I find wood very pretty, in my opinion stumps make a great decoration - so a path like this is not only practical but it also makes a garden look more beautiful. Here are some more pictures:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Lately, I've been thinking about decorating my garden with mirrors. Thanks to them, it would look bigger...and also quite magical. Just look at these gorgeous pictures, I find them very inspirational:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • [​IMG]
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    Since I LOVE birds, this is a great plan for me!!!

  • I made these for a wedding that we hosted on our property last fall. All of the floral decoration and bouquets were made from my cutting garden (mostly zinnias) and what we found in the pasture and along the creeks. It was just as beautiful as if they had spent hundreds of dollars at the florist, or at least we thought so.

    fruitedplain, Jun 12, 2013

  • I just collected some of the brown rod like weed flowers from the riverside a few weeks ago. I have used them in some of my dry flower arrangements. They look beautiful. I know what you mean when you say that they place looked as if they had spent a few hundred dollars.
    It just takes a bit of creativity to make what you have look like a million dollars

  • I can't find our other thread for the succulents, but I thought you'd both appreciate this:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    The succulents are in a coco lined basket set atop an old light fixture! I am so doing this as soon as I find an old lamp. I love the look of the plant that is hanging down from the basket. It just would not be the same without that particular element.

  • Chanell, this is beautiful! I really love succulents and each time I see one inspiring piece like this one .. I wish I could have one myself. My home hunting troubles are still going on as the previous deal feel through as some legal aspects were not as they should have been. I hope to find a nice place with a little garden where I can try my hand at different things like these succulent arrangements and string gardens!

    Here is the link to the succulent thread https://www.gardening-forums.com/threads/stunning-succulent-ground-cover.631/

  • I want a succulent garden SO badly! I absolutely love them!!! But...no money. (I need to take my own advice and go looking for folks that want to share!!!)

  • Are succulents expensive in your area?

    Here is a cute spoon decoration, in my opinion it looks great:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • That is gorgeous. It looks upscale and expensive. The plant that is trailing down from the basket definitely makes it. That hanging plant is kind of like the crystal beads hanging from a chandelier.

  • It reminds me of a chandelier too
    Here is another nice idea of how to reuse old spoons, in my opinion they make a nice decoration - and it's practical:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Yep! I am going to start looking around for stuff I can use to make something like that. I actually like the idea of having something tall like that with edible plants that could grow about my other plants as it's an easy way to have more growing space.

    Works for me! I need to find someone with chicks and hens who wants to share. That hanging one is just so gorgeous and there's a nice mixing of colors in the container as well.

  • LOL...I have some to share, but I think it'd be a little bit too far a commute for them.

  • Yes, I have a red one. It's gone a long time without flowering; I started spraying it with the banana peel water and it finally produced some buds. Some of the leaves have yellowed and I think it probably needs transplanting as well as feeding. I've given it a bit of epsom salt and I put some of the clipped hair down in the pot... It's leaves fall into the container and I just leave them there to compost naturally, but that takes a while. So much work to this gardening stuff...

  • You are not going to believe this one! I just found this on Pinterest, but when I clicked to go to the web site for this image there was some kind of issue. No idea where the photo originally came from, but this is going to make you want to create one of your own immediately!

    This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen!
    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • That is awesome ,and I like that she has an afro. Do you have this pinned on your boards? I'm going to repin it. The coolest part of it is her skirt.

  • Okay guys, how's this for a cool garden craft that upcycles old materials to make something new? I totally want to do this, though it will take me some time to find just the right pieces to create my own special and unique garden sculpture.

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    Of course I would want to have something about the height of a birdbath. It could make a great centerpiece for a specific type of landscaped garden bed such as a butterfly garden, or rows of boxwood hedges or roses. I can see at least seven pieces of glass used to make this piece.

    I also love the look of this:
    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Amazing. Now you really put ideas into my head. I have tried very hard not to add more stuff to my garden. You are a temptress Chanell G let me tell you that. Boy I wish I really had the space.

  • LOL, Maddie, at least if you built a "scuplture" of succulents you could do something tall that wouldn't necessarily take up much room. I took a walk this morning and it was all I could do not to steal I tiny piece of echeveria from someone's yard!

    I did happen upon a pile of empty plastic flower pots someone had set out on the curb - score! A few days ago I happened upon some bent tomato cages someone had set out. Lucky I found them before the trash was collected.

  • The "scuplture" of succulents look a little creepy in my opinion, I would be scared of it. It looks too alive . But it's also quite interesting. I don't know, I have mixed feelings about it.
    Here are cute plant markers:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Good finds those. Channel My garden is only 3x7 feet and it is already filled with a hundred+ containers of plants. I have just found a nice place with a small garden space.. I hope that the deal comes through. I would be so happy.

  • Maddie, I hope that the nice place soon will be yours!
    I'm running out of space too, I got a new rose and now I need another windowsill. Or two.

    This decoration looks pretty:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • Thank you Claudine. I am hoping that we can negotiate the price, The place is indeed too pricey. LOL I know exactly what you mean my wanting a new window sill.

    Thank you Chanell. I believe with all the good thoughts coming my way all will go well. The best part is I can have a vertical garden and a normal garden. I can also have a terrace garden. There is a nice balcony with lots of space.
    Chanell, please accept my apologies for not mailing you. I have had too much on my hands.

  • It sounds like a really lovely place! You would have a lot of space for your plants

    I find this little decoration very cute:

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

  • finally got to pick up a few. got 8 at $5 a piece. they had a few more, but most of the rest were cracked and that was as much as i wanted to spend on them for now.

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    i think i'm gonna like it. my ideas of where they would go have changed twice from what i was originally thinking, but the shape and size seems to be uniform to ones i've seen before, so hopefully if i get more they'll all match. the "how" isn't worked out yet (right now i'm thinking some kind of mini string lights draped down bettween the reflector and the actual pot). that may be good. i have half of them set in places i like and can see how they do exposed to the weather. i've got my fingers crossed on them being ok, seeing as their normal use is being inches away and surrounding a big bulb hat's blistering hot.

  • about the best i could do in the semi dark with my cheap camera

    Click this image to show the full-size version.

    i was at a flea market i try to get to every sunday. one booth had a bunch of net type christmas lights i ended up getting for $2.50 a box. unfortunately, none of them compleatly work. they seem to be wired in three sections and on each net at least one section doesn't light. the one pictured is the only one i got to come on compleatly so far. it looks like if one light is out in a section, the whole section doesn't work.

    i kinda wanted a more uniform glow, but for $2.50 (assuming i can get at least three more working) i think i can be happy with this. also if i get them to work, that makes the total cost about $7.50 a pot. i can be happy with that too.

    edit: just took another try at a pic now that it's as dark as that area gets, but it looks the same. guess i need a better camera to be able to tell a difference.. another thing i like is, they're flanking a door with no outside light (the unfinished loft above my garage). i don't know yet how durable the lights (or reflectors) will be, but for now they do pretty decent subbing for doorway lights too.

  • Original article and pictures take www.gardening-forums.com site

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