вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

Tap, Tap, Tap...

Hello out there!!

How is 2012 treating you so far?

Mixed reviews from us at the Pebbles house. Q1 was filled with some smiles and some frustrations- worked on a rebrand for my friend Kelly's photography business, got snowed in and lost power for almost a week, then headed up to Canada for another wonderful trip to Whistler (of which I maybe have 4 photos), back for a week full of cleaning and reorganizing, and then our whole family was down with the flu. From about Valentines Day, until Maggie's birthday, we've all been varying degrees of sick. BLECH!!

March was a bit kinder to us, and April is looking up so far.

We have a 2 year old now. If you have or have ever had a 2 year old, then you know of which I speak. Life is very, well, let's say...rich with experiences! I love being a Mommy so much, and I remind myself 10x a day just to keep sane. :D

When I can, I have been sneaking in some designing here and there...March had me working on a project for a friend, who is a member of the Junior League of Seattle. They are hosting an event in June called, "Touch-a-Truck," which is free to Seattle families and kids of all ages. There will be all kinds of construction trucks, service vehicles and emergency responder vehicles for kids to explore! I designed the branding for this years event, and produced some posters and information packets.

Here is the sponsor packet:

Touch a Truck Packet_web
and the poster:


It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. So glad I had the opportunity to volunteer!

2012 has also included a lot of focus on living simpler and healthier lives...thwarted by weeks eating comfort food while fighting our flus...but everyday is a new day and for me, losing weight and finally healing my hormore issues is at the top of my list. I will go into more detail in a later post, but this week especially has been off to a good start.

I have so much to share...(and it's funny, because before I sat down to write this post, I was thinking that life has been busy but unproductive lately...however, now that I think about it, it's actually been really productive. Amazingly productive in fact! So productive, I acutally have enough things to blog about that I am going to save them for the next post, or two or three!! YAY!!)

  • We re-did my office into a shared playroom/office.
  • We had a little family birthday party for Maggie's 2nd Birthday.
  • I got an iPhone.
  • I've had Laser Hair Removal :)
  • I've worked on some fun design projects.
  • I took a Typography class.
  • etc., etc., etc....

...Most importantly, we've added a day of daycare for Maggie so I can have a more productive schedule to get things done. And to keep my eye on the prize, as a reminder, I made this print for my wall:

Which you can download and print for your wall if you would like :

(personal use only please)


I'm so glad I have the time to blog again, (well, at least the time today) because I have been away for a really long time and I miss it and feel guilty about not posting more often. I don't like it when things get left hanging, as most things do, in my life of many interruptions, so hopefully now I can be better about being consistent and offering something of value to my readers. I don't need to post everyday, or make them too long, or whatever I do that makes it too hard to keep up- simplify and get things done. That's my motto for 2012.

Until next time...

Love + ((((hugs))) + World Peace!

Original article and pictures take paperandink.typepad.com site

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