четверг, 26 июля 2012 г.

DIY Pipe Cleaner Heart Toppers

DIY Pipe Cleaner Heart Toppers
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

Today’s DIY is one of the simplest things I’ve ever done, but I’m completely in love with these sweet little pipe cleaner heart toppers! I picked up a package of these glittery pipe cleaners at the dollar store while scrounging up extra stocking stuffers over the holidays. They were too cute to not come home. They’ve been sitting around in a drawer for a month or more now, basically begging to be put to good use. Low and behold, these heart toppers were the answer! They’re a cinch to make, super inexpensive and a really adorable way to add a bit of love to a cupcake or a stack of pancakes served up to your beloved on Valentines Day.

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
Supplies –

  • Tinsel pipe cleaners (or the pipe cleaners of your choice)
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Scissors or wire/floral clippers
  • Hot glue (optional)

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

Remember when I said this was easy? Well that may have been a bit of exaggeration. You really only need two supplies and maybe a minute. That’s probably stretching it though. First up, position a pipe cleaner toward the top of your bamboo skewer. Leaving about a 1-1/2″ tail to one side, wrap the long end of the pipe cleaner around the skewer. Swoop the pipe cleaner up and around, forming a loop at the top of skewer. The larger the loop, the larger the heart you’ll end up with in the end.

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

Use the ends of the pipe cleaner to secure the loop in place by simply wrapping one tail and then the other around the skewer. (Seriously, I told you this was super super simple and I could not have exaggerated that point if I tried.)

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

At this point you have a bamboo skewer with a pipe cleaner attached to it. If you’d like, you can apply a small bead of hot glue to the backside to further secure the loop in place, although for mine I didn’t find this to be necessary. Keep in mind, the tighter you wrap the piper cleaner around the skewer, the more secure it will be. Next up, pinch a point in the middle of the loop and draw it inward to create the heart shape.

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

What you’ll be left with is essentially a heart. On a stick! You can play around with the shape of the heart by simply bending and unbending the pipe cleaner as necessary to get it just how you’d like it to be. Mine was slightly lopsided, but I found that to be totally cute so I didn’t tinker with it too much. Then simply trim the length of the bamboo skewer using your scissors or clippers, customizing it to length that makes sense for you.

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

I chose to serve mine up on top of a short stack of pancakes. Um, yeah. Ridiculously cute! Paired with orange juice and a cup of coffee, you have an instant Valentines Day celebration for two. (I don’t know about you, but I’ll take a homemade breakfast together over fancy gifts any day!) That said, these would be so cute at a kids party or rockin’ out as cupcake toppers, too. And there you have it! Arguably the easiest DIY project ever, but one sure to add a little sparkle to your Valentines Day.

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion
DIY pipe cleaner heart toppers from The Sweetest Occasion

{Design + styling by Cyd Converse for The Sweetest Occasion. | Photos by Alice G. Patterson.}

The fine print: Please link with love! As with all of our posts, DIY projects featured on The Sweetest Occasion may not be copied, distributed or reproduced without express written permission. Love and links are always appreciated! If you’d like to share this post, please link to this post directly for the DIY tutorial and do not include the instructions in your own post. Thanks so much! xoxo

Original article and pictures take thesweetestoccasion.com site

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