понедельник, 4 августа 2014 г.

Gold,Pink,White & News

Gold,Pink,White & News

First of all, i'm really excited to present this english version! You're so many english readers (that i'm so honored) To thank you, I had to translate this blog. I'm sorry for my really bad english, i try to do my best, unfortunately Google translate isn't better than me, so if i make mistakes, feel free to correct me!! I need to improve my english :) Anyway, i hope you really enjoy it!

Back on topic.

Yesterday, the ground was covered by the sweet color of winter, this white landscape is just « on time » for my new post. As you see on my happy new year's card, i like love the « romance » pink, touches of gold and the sweetness of white.

So to talk about my favorite colors, i made a post in 3 parts, in 3 differents forms : a gold DIY, pretty pink things to discover (at the end of week), and a sweet dessert, white as snow (next week).

Today, let's begin with a simple tutorial to make a sweet leather hairpin. Easy, you just need: hairpin, glue, small pieces of leather (of any color), model gold paint and that's all. If you want a hairpin more « glitter », i suggest you follow the excellent tutorial of Vertcerise about « leather glitter ».


This is an extract of my Pinterest boards where i collect all pictures i love ( if you need an invitation, ask me and send me your email) :

Original article and pictures take www.mylittlefabric.com site

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